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A magnificent journey through the history of architecture. Featuring amazing three-dimensional replications of famous buildings from ancient to modern times, The Architecture Pop-Up Book showcases artwork, photographs, pop-ups, and detailed text of the ancient Egyptian pyramids; the great constructions of Greece and Rome, such as the Parthenon and the Colosseum; majestic Asian wonders, including the Taj Mahal; Gothic and Neoclassical masterpieces, such as Notre Dame and the Florence Duomo; and the work of such important modern architects as Gaud?, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Frank Gehry. From a brilliantly elaborate Gothic cathedral nave to a telescoping Chrysler Building skyscraper, the talent and imagination of architects and builders from all eras and from all over the world are displayed and compared here. Innovative, informative, and entertaining, this book is the perfect gift for the architecture enthusiast and anyone interested in learning about the history of these celebrated buildings.
Anton Radevsky graduated in graphic arts at the Berlin College of Arts, Weissensee. He is the creator of such pop-up books as The Pop-up Book of Spacecraft and others. He currently works in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Pavel Popov is an architect, lecturer, and writer on architecture. He is the author of such works as Composition as Abstraction and Theory of Architecture Composition.
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